Sonic Horizon is an hommage to Nam June Paik whose work explored video as an art form and the medium of television as a mode of interactivity and dialogue. To understand Paik’s process, I repurposed a CRT TV by hacking the internal electrical circuits to visualize the sounds of the ambient surroundings then took the work in my own direction by embedding a surveillance microphone and amplifier. This repurposed TV rests high in the corner of the gallery and is patiently watched by the eye of a digital surveillance camera in a dialogue between surveilled sound and artificial sight, analogue and digital media. The real-time visualization of ambient sounds in the gallery space is distributed over a bank of monitors that translate the sonic contributions of visitors and the ambient sounds of their surroundings into a horizon of undulating waves.

Interview with Jason St-Laurent, Carrie Colton, September 09, 2015

A Very Big Bang of Ottawa Art, at SAW Gallery, Peter Simpson - The Big Beat, August 21, 2015

Donna Legault: 'Transformations' in Feminism, Sally Deskins - Pittsburg Articulate, October 2, 2015

Subtle Territory, Resonant Variations and Sonic Horizon.

July 31 - October 2, 2015
Big Bang, Saw Gallery
Ottawa, ON

Sept. 1 - October 2, 2015
Paul Mesaros Gallery,
West Virginia University,
Morgantown, WV